October 29, 2015
The Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) is currently recruiting applicants for a new subcommittee, the Crime Scene Investigation Subcommittee.
The Crime Scene Investigation Subcommittee will focus on the standards and guidelines related to the investigation of crime scenes including the search for, documentation of, collection of, and preservation of evidence associated with a crime scene. The Subcommittee will report to the Crime Scene/Death Investigation Scientific Area Committee.
Prospective members should complete the OSAC Application Form. Existing OSAC applicants or members who would like to be considered for this Subcommittee should email Forensics.
The initial application period will be open until November 30, 2015 and all non-selected applicants will remain in the application pool and be eligible to fill future membership vacancies and to serve as an affiliate on OSAC Task Groups.
Footwear and Tire Subcommittee has noted a need for additional applicants to fill member and affiliate positions.
For more information, visit the OSAC website.