Video: The Secret to Creating ‘Bulletproof’ 3D Forensic Visualizations and Animations

When you need to quickly capture high-quality, accurate 3D crime and crash scene data, there's one sure way to get it done. Mark Johnson of Visual Law explains.

Over more than 30 years of working in geospatial forensic recreations, Mark Johnson has used everything from hand measurements and total stations to photogrammetry and point clouds captured with 3D laser scanning. As a former trial lawyer who is now CEO of the 3D forensic visualization and animation firm Visual Law, Johnson knows the value of data quality. Frustrated by his previous laser scanner’s slow scanning speeds and frequent data gaps, Johnson began using the Leica RTC360. The difference, he says, is astounding.

Watch the video to see why Mark Johnson and his team at Visual Law now rely on the RTC360 to create immersive, interactive 3D experiences that are transforming litigation.

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