Andrew Klane of Forensic Mapping Solutions Inc. (FMS) has spent the last several years exploring the use of drones to create aerial forensic maps of crash scenes, crime scenes and critical incidents. A retired Massachusetts State Police Lieutenant, Klane developed and implemented the state’s drone program while he was commander of the Massachusetts State Police Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Section (CARS), and he has continued pushing the envelope as a technology sales, training and implementation consultant. Through extensive real-world experience, he has identified a proven workflow that agencies can use to quickly and easily create accurate scene representations from drone imagery and other sensor data.
“Using mapping software with a CAD engine is key,” he says. “A CAD engine can easily handle large orthomosaic images from commonly used photogrammetry software like Pix4D, and it also ensures data integrity and accuracy. The workflow is remarkably easy, and it produces evidentiary-grade work that will stand up in court.”
To learn more or request a consultation, please contact us.
FAA: UAS for Public Safety and Government
FAA: How to get a UAS Certificate of Authorization waiver in emergency situations
DJI: Custom Unlocking (Note: Users will need to be logged in to their DJI account before they are given access to this page)
Unmanned Aircraft Solutions for Public Safety