The criminal justice system relies on eyewitness testimony to discover truth about a crime, and it’s often key in the...
A few small modifications to how you handle laser scanned point cloud data from a crime or crash scene can have a big impact on how the data is used in the court system.
Sept. 23, 2013 – As crime labs, police agencies, sheriff’s departments and other public safety organizations look for ways to...
Video as a “silent witness” is often misleading. Clean, accurate laser scan data overcomes misrepresentations by showing every perspective.
As a detective, Victor Pizzola used to build cases and drop them off at the district attorney’s office for prosecution....
Just months after transitioning from a total station to 3D laser scanning technology, Major Crimes Unit Investigators Brian Shrier and...
When Detective Frank McDonagh, of the Albany Police Department in New York, was assigned to the Forensic Investigation Unit two-and-a-half...
When documenting a crime scene, how can you be absolutely certain that you capture all the evidence you need to...
The newest release of the Leica TruView digital reality viewer brings virtual reality within reach of every agency.
Incident reconstructions based on science rather than approximations or best guesses provide immeasurable value to the criminal justice system.
In an era when misleading video evidence abounds, agencies need a source of truth that conveys objective data.
Creating scientifically accurate visualizations that minimize cognitive bias requires starting with high-quality data.