When an officer invited Ken Jones on a ride-along during his freshman year at Portland State University, the aspiring engineer...
When 19-year-old Darrell Whitfield started thinking about a career, law enforcement was not on his radar. But due to family...
Read the full story here. To learn more about laser scanning with the RTC360, please contact us....
On the morning of December 7, 2017, the San Juan County Sheriff’s Department responded to an active shooter incident at...
Leica Geosystems, industry leader in measurement technology and a Badge of Honor Annual Partner of the National Law Enforcement Officers...
When it comes to active-shooter events like school shootings, every second counts. “Studies have shown that as many as four...
High-Speed Scene Documentation: 7 Key Questions to Ask Before Buying a Laser Scanner for Your Agency
Law enforcement agencies and crime labs are increasingly adding 3D laser scanning reality capture to their technology tool box, and for good reason. Laser...
It’s not surprising that self-described “squash junkie” Walter Bentley has claimed his fair share of medals in squash. Awards include...
3D laser scanning is widely recognized as the fastest, most comprehensive way to document the aftermath of a crime or...
As a public safety professional, you probably often encounter challenging situations where the need to capture complex and sometimes inaccessible...
If you’ve ever wished for a faster, easier way to capture point clouds from a scene or to quickly and...