In 2014, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Brandon, Manitoba, became the first law-enforcement agency in the province to adopt...
When Sgt. Timothy Dowd arrived in Watertown, Mass., four days after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, the residential neighborhood was...
When Detective Frank McDonagh, of the Albany Police Department in New York, was assigned to the Forensic Investigation Unit two-and-a-half...
Read the full story here. To learn more about how 3D laser scanning data can assist in crime scene investigations...
Detective Sergeant Sarah Beninghof, of the New Jersey State Police Crime Scene Investigations Unit, remembers what it was like documenting...
Laser scanning is the fastest, most accurate and most comprehensive technology available to crime scene and crash scene investigators. It...
As a trainer for the New Jersey Crime Scene Investigators Association, Detective Sergeant Sarah Beninghof, of the New Jersey State...
The newest release of the Leica TruView digital reality viewer brings virtual reality within reach of every agency.
HxGN LIVE Global 2022 provides strategic insights and hands-on training in laser scanning, digital scene documentation, and the creation of high-value 2D and 3D forensic deliverables.
Explore the cutting-edge, high-speed reality capture technologies that make it possible to achieve the most advanced forensic reconstructions and analyses.
HxGN LIVE 2023 in June will provide valuable networking and learning opportunities for public safety professionals.
Video as a “silent witness” is often misleading. Clean, accurate laser scan data overcomes misrepresentations by showing every perspective.